Best Wildlife Sanctuary to Explore in Kerala

Kerala is more than tea plantation estates and backwater stays. Do you know it has some of the finest wildlife sanctuaries to explore in Kerala? Nestled in the southwestern corner of India, Kerala is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, serene backwaters, and lush greenery. However, beyond the tranquil beaches and misty hill stations lies a hidden world of untamed beauty – the wildlife sanctuaries of Kerala.

These sanctuaries offer a unique opportunity to witness this region’s captivating biodiversity and natural wonders. In this article, we will embark on a virtual journey through some of the best wildlife sanctuaries in Kerala, each offering a distinctive experience for nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers. Book Tour Packages in Gandhinagar today.

Eravikulam National Park  

Eravikulam National Park is a UNESCO world heritage site located near the Idukki district. It is filled with a rich and diverse variety of flora and fauna. Spread in an area of 97 sq. km. The protected area is divided into three regions- the buffer area, the core area, and the tourism area. The national park is a natural habitat of Nilgiri Tahr and the place where you can witness the mass flowering of the Neelakurinji flower every twelve years.

The sprawling grasslands, interspersed with shola forests, create a stunning visual tapestry. The Anamudi Peak, the highest peak in South India, is located within the park and offers a refreshing trekking experience. The park’s captivating landscapes, vibrant flora, and unique fauna make it a hotspot for nature enthusiasts and photographers.

Periyar National Park

Iconic Periyar Tiger Reserve, located in the heart of the Western Ghats. Spanning over 900 square kilometers, this sanctuary is a haven for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike.

The centerpiece of the sanctuary is the scenic Periyar Lake, where you can take a boat cruise to catch glimpses of elephants, bison, sambar deer, and even the elusive Royal Bengal tiger. The mist-covered hills and diverse flora make this sanctuary a photographer’s paradise. Trekking, bamboo rafting, and staying at the eco-friendly jungle lodges add an element of excitement to your wildlife experience.

Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary

Next, venture deeper into Kerala’s wilderness; the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary beckons with its unique blend of biodiversity and picturesque landscapes. Spread across the Wayanad plateau; this sanctuary is home to various species of flora and fauna, including elephants, leopards, gaur, and several species of deer.

The Tholpetty and Muthanga range within the sanctuary offer jeep safaris that allow you to explore the natural habitat of these creatures while also enjoying the lush green surroundings. A trek to the Chembra Peak or visiting the Edakkal Caves nearby can add a dash of adventure to your wildlife escapade.

Silent Valley National Park

The next stop park is the Silent Valley National Park, a pristine haven tucked away in the Nilgiri Hills. Aptly named, this park exudes an aura of tranquility that allows its rich biodiversity to flourish undisturbed.

The dense forests here are home to endangered species like the Lion-tailed Macaque and the Nilgiri Tahr. Trekking through the lush undergrowth and listening to the sounds of nature is an ethereal experience in itself. The park’s unique ecology and untouched beauty make it a must-visit for any wildlife enthusiast.

Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary

Moving on, the Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary presents a harmonious blend of nature and tribal culture. Nestled in the Anamalai Hills, this sanctuary is known for its teak plantations and abundant wildlife. The sanctuary’s highlight is the Parambikulam Lake, where you can enjoy a boat safari and spot herds of elephants and various bird species along the banks. The sanctuary also boasts treehouses and treetop huts that offer an unforgettable stay amidst the wilderness, providing a chance to reconnect with nature in its purest form.


Kerala’s wildlife sanctuaries are not just places; they are gateways to a world of awe-inspiring beauty where nature thrives in its purest form. As you explore these natural havens, you’ll witness diverse species of flora and fauna and gain a profound understanding of the delicate ecosystems that sustain them.

So, whether you’re a wildlife enthusiast, an adventure seeker, or simply someone seeking solace in nature’s embrace, Kerala’s wildlife sanctuaries have something extraordinary to offer. These sanctuaries stand as a testament to Kerala’s commitment to preserving its natural heritage, inviting you to step into a world where the wild reigns supreme. The heart finds its true home amidst the untamed beauty of the land. Plan your trip to Kerala with Yashvi Tours and Travels. With us, you will get a customized Kerala holiday package.   

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